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middle ear 【解剖學】中耳。

middle earth

Air in the middle ear can usually escape without problems but as the aircraft descends and the pressure is increased , the relatively lower pressure in the tube tends to keep it collapsed and result in negative pressure in the middle ear , causing discomfort or pain 一般情況下,中耳內的空氣可以毫無阻礙地泄出。但當飛機下降氣壓加大時,在耳咽管中的較低氣壓將導致它關閉,并在中耳內產生壓力而引起不適或疼痛。

Amoxicillin is indicated for a broad range of infections , and is commonly prescribed as a first - line therapy for common infections such as otitis media ( middle ear infection ) , pharyngitis ( sore throat ) , and sinusitis ( sinus infection ) 阿莫西林是一種廣譜抗生素,并且是一種常用處方藥,它通常被用作抗普通感染的第一線治療藥物,比如:中耳炎(中耳感染) 、咽炎(咽喉痛) 、鼻竇炎(鼻竇感染) 。

As for recurrence , the avoidance of a too - large postoperative tympanomastoid space , the establishment of a patent epi - mesotympanic route , and the preservation of adequate middle ear mucosa should be emphasized 而避免術后中耳乳突腔過大,使上、中鼓室交通良好,以及盡量保持完整的中耳黏膜層,則是防止鼓膜再凹陷,再度形成膽脂瘤的良方。

“ children with chronic otitis media have biofilms in their middle ears , healthy children do not , ” said post . “ understanding that , we can now begin to explore more effective treatments for it “慢性中耳炎的兒童中耳內有生物膜,健康的兒童則沒有, ”普斯特說: “了解了這一點,我們現在可以開始為這種病探究更有效的療法。 ”

A giant model of the ear , for elementary science classes , shows the three main structural parts of the hearing organ ( external ear , middle ear , internal ear ) and the position of the equilibrium organ of human body 大型耳模型,適合初級科學課程使用,顯示耳的內部構造及外耳、中耳、內耳和平沖器官的位置關系。

When a child catches the flu , or another irus that causes an upper respiratory infection , the bacteria seize the opportunity and migrate to the middle ear , causing a secondary infection 當一個孩子患上流感或另一種病毒引起的上呼吸道感染,這種細菌就抓住這個機會移行到中耳并導致繼發感染。

During this surgery , small tubes are placed in the eardrums to relieve pressure in the middle ear . the outpatient procedure takes less than 15 minutes and is done under light anesthesia 耳管手術是在鼓膜上嵌植小管子,以釋放中耳腔的壓力。這個門診手術需時不到15分鐘,在輕度麻醉下進行。

During this surgery , small tubes are placed in the eardrums to relieve pressure in the middle ear . the outpatient procedure takes less than 15 minutes and is done under light anesthesia 手術中,耳管安放在耳膜內,以減輕耳朵中間的壓力。門診過程不到15分鐘,只需輕微麻醉。

An earplug can help , although if you have a history of any inner or middle ear problems or have had surgery in the ear , check with your doctor before using an earplug 耳塞可能會有幫助,即使你可能有內耳或中耳的病史,或耳部手術史,可以在應用耳塞前與醫生協商決定。

There is good evidence that if baby is given a bottle of formula while lying flat , the formula can get into the eustachian tubes and middle ear and cause an infection 有證據表明如果瓶喂配方奶給平躺著的寶寶,配方奶可能進入寶寶的耳咽管和中耳,進而引起感染。

Pupilary light reflex , physiological function of rod and cone , photosensory transduction mechanism of rod ; sound transmission in middle ear and microphonic potential 瞳孔對光反射、視錐視桿細胞的生理功能、視桿細胞感光換能機制;中耳傳音功能和微音器電位。

The middle ear pressure is normally equalized by passage of air through the eustachian tube , which leads to the space behind the nose nasopharynx 咽鼓管eustachian tube主要負責保持中耳和耳朵的氣壓平衡。如欲保持耳朵氣壓平衡,可嘗試吞咽或打呵欠。

Doctor : be sure not to blow your nose too violently , otherwise the discharge in your nose may be pushed into your ears to re - infect the middle ear 醫生:切記不要使勁擤鼻子,否則您的鼻子里的分泌物可能被擠到耳朵里,使中耳重新感染。

In a period of 8 . 5 years , among 216 ears of middle ear cholesteatoma , 105 ears were operated upon in stages and 93 ears were included in this retrospective study 所有病例在第1階段手術將膽脂瘤除去時,均采乳突腔開放后封閉的方式。

Unfortunately , meningitis developed and ct scanning of the head showed temporal bone encephalomenigocele which herniated into the middle ear and external ear canal 手術時,于懷疑有腦脊髓液漏出之部位做刮搔后,移顳肌瓣予以填塞。

We are aware that at the end of the central hole in this outer ear there is something called the middle ear , with an eardrum and a few little bones 我們知道,在外耳中孔的底部有東西稱為中耳,它由一個耳鼓和一些小骨骼構成。

We are aware that at the end of the central hole in this outer ear there is something called the middle ear , with an eardrum and a few little bones 我們知道,在外耳中孔的底部有東西稱作中耳,它由一個耳鼓和一些小骨骼構成。

It is a fact that you have seasonal allergies . but currently , you are suffering from a head cold and a chest cold with left middle ear infection 事實上你的確有季節性的過敏。但現在你患上了感冒和支氣管炎,外加左中耳炎。

When barotrauma has occurred in the middle ear , it is not unusual for the diver to have a sensation of pressure or fullness and decreased hearing 當中耳受到氣壓性創傷的時候,潛水者會經常有壓力、充塞和聽力下降的感覺。